One of the supporting characters of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, Mamoru Akasaka initially appears as the protagonist of Himatsubushi-hen, being a young and relatively naive investigator working under Tokyo's Metropolitan Police Department, sent to the remote village of Hinamizawa in an undercover mission involving the kidnapped grandson of the Minister of Construction.
While in Hinamizawa, he meets a mysterious girl by the name of Rika Furude, and although initially startled by her ominous predictions and apparent involvement in a wider conspiracy, manages to befriend her and subsequently gain her trust. She then proceeds to warn him of the impending bloodshed that will take place in the village, and, in a plea for help, of her own eventual demise. Following this, Akasaka leaves to Tokyo, and worlds where he is involved with the events of June 1983 are extremely low in probability, though he is nonetheless considered an invaluable asset in breaking the fate that imprisons the main cast, and is often considered the final necessary piece to be laid on Hinamizawa's gameboard in order to bring about such circumstances.
Powers and Stats
Tier: 9-B
Dimensionality: 3-D
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Martial Arts, Instinctive Reaction (Akasaka's years of experience attuned his body to the flow of combat, causing it to naturally react against surprise attacks as a result), Chi Manipulation (His attacks are filled with spiritual energy due to his enlightenment about the nature of Karate, allowing him to perform superhuman feats of strength), Enhanced Senses
Attack Potency: Wall level (Threw a man into the air with a punch, smashing him through the ceiling and breaking his jaw in the process, and his casual blows are frequently compared to armor-piercing ammunition and shown to be able to break through concrete, as well as stated to be capable of crushing a person's head. Punched a van hard enough to dent its door and instantly break all of its windows, with the effect being compared to that of a traffic accident)
Speed: Superhuman (His movements are fast enough to be compared to those of a locomotive) with Subsonic Reactions and Attack Speed (Launched a man into the air before any of the Yamainu surrounding him could perceive what happened. Defeated three security guards in the timespan of a single breath, attacking two of them so fast that time appeared frozen)
Lifting Strength: Class 5 (Overturned a van with a punch)
Durability: Wall level (A much weaker alternate self of his survived an explosion that encompassed a room with no damage whatsoever. Shrugged off Okonogi's attacks, which could rupture internal organs, dismissing them as "light taps," and knocked away his strongest hit, which could shatter a man's ribcage and destroy his heart)
Stamina: Superhuman.
Range: Standard Melee Range, Tens of Meters with firearms.
Standard Equipment: Hanguns.
Intelligence: Having worked in a secret division of the police department for years, Akasaka is a very experienced officer who is used to dealing with several kinds of dangerous situations and is considered an invaluable asset in the struggle to foil Takano's plans, being able to keep a calm mind even under the constant surveillance of the Mountain Dogs and managing to outsmart them under Mion's guidance. Likewise, he is a very capable fighter and martial artist, having discovered the "true form" of Karate and attained a form of spiritual enlightenment through it, being able to accurately determine the optimal sequence of moves for a given situation, and with his skill being enough to completely outmatch even an expert in hand-to-hand combat such as Okonogi, who had far more years of combat experience under his belt and was considered the most skilled of the Mountain Dogs.
Weaknesses: None Notable.
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: