Charlotte (シャーロット, Shārotto) is a Japanese anime television series directed by Yoshiyuki Asai. While P.A. Works and Aniplex are responsible for the animation, the original concept was laid down by Jun Maeda same creator of Angel Beats and kami sama ni natta hi hina and original character design by Na-Ga, both affiliated with Visual Art's/Key. The anime began airing in Japan on July 4, 2015
Charlotte focuses on a world where certain childrens have special abilities that will disappear when you are 18 years old, there are all kinds of abilities scattered in the world to certain childrens. The story follows Yū Otosaka, who is the main protagonist of the story and a first-year transfer student at Hoshinoumi Academy. He has the ability to temporarily possess a person for 5 seconds. Also the students along with Yuu are Nao Tomori, who uses her power to become invisible to one person she chooses in order to convince others to listen to her, Jōjirō Takajō has the power to move extremely quickly making it look like teleportation, and Yusa Nishimori who is usually possessed by her deceased pyrokinetic sister, Misa, due to her ability as a medium.Charlotte (シャーロット, Shārotto) is a Japanese anime television series directed by Yoshiyuki Asai. While P.A. Works and Aniplex are responsible for the animation, the original concept was laid down by Jun Maeda same creator of Angel Beats and kami sama ni natta hi hina and original character design by Na-Ga, both affiliated with Visual Art's/Key. The anime began airing in Japan on July 4, 2015
Charlotte focuses on a world where certain childrens have special abilities that will disappear when you are 18 years old, there are all kinds of abilities scattered in the world to certain childrens. The story follows Yū Otosaka, who is the main protagonist of the story and a first-year transfer student at Hoshinoumi Academy. He has the ability to temporarily possess a person for 5 seconds. Also the students along with Yuu are Nao Tomori, who uses her power to become invisible to one person she chooses in order to convince others to listen to her, Jōjirō Takajō has the power to move extremely quickly making it look like teleportation, and Yusa Nishimori who is usually possessed by her deceased pyrokinetic sister, Misa, due to her ability as a medium.Charlotte (シャーロット, Shārotto) is a Japanese anime television series directed by Yoshiyuki Asai. While P.A. Works and Aniplex are responsible for the animation, the original concept was laid down by Jun Maeda same creator of Angel Beats and kami sama ni natta hi hina and original character design by Na-Ga, both affiliated with Visual Art's/Key. The anime began airing in Japan on July 4, 2015
Charlotte focuses on a world where certain childrens have special abilities that will disappear when you are 18 years old, there are all kinds of abilities scattered in the world to certain childrens. The story follows Yū Otosaka, who is the main protagonist of the story and a first-year transfer student at Hoshinoumi Academy. He has the ability to temporarily possess a person for 5 seconds. Also the students along with Yuu are Nao Tomori, who uses her power to become invisible to one person she chooses in order to convince others to listen to her, Jōjirō Takajō has the power to move extremely quickly making it look like teleportation, and Yusa Nishimori who is usually possessed by her deceased pyrokinetic sister, Misa, due to her ability as a medium.Power of the Verse
The verse in particular is not very strong. There are ability carriers that possess different types of powers based on their abilities, among the most common is around Wall Level with Athletic Human speeds, there are even stronger ones, but the strongest known so far is at Building level with subsonic speeds.
Also the verse has notable haxs and abilities such as: Time Manipulation, Time Travel, Disintegration, Limited Invisibility, Teleportation, Explosion Manipulation, Etc. It should also be noted that not all of the verse's abilities have been revealed, which means that there could be some more powerful hax or more destructive abilities.