Cookie Run is a game series created by Devsisters Corporation for mobile devices. The series features a broad variety of characters with various protagonists and antagonists, with the central plot usually being the main character GingerBrave and his friends ecaping from the Witches and searching for a paradise where they won't have to fear the Witches ever again.
There are several sub-plots that intertwine with the main plotline, such as Interdimensional Super Mayhem and Battle for Fate, as well as episodic events such as the Halloween Masquerade and The Butter Painting Affair which have nothing to do with the main story and instead showcase many of the other characters in the verse.
Cookie Run is a deceptively powerful verse. The strongest characters have a wide variety of hax, such as Fate Manipulation, passive Fear Manipulation, Reality Warping, Creation, Law Manipulation, Existence Erasure, 4-DBFR, etc. The strongest characters in the series are GingerBrave, Millennial Tree Cookie, Dark Enchantress Cookie and The Five, a team consisting of Pure Vanilla Cookie, White Lily Cookie, Hollyberry Cookie, Dark Cacao Cookie and Golden Cheese Cookie, who all scale to each other at their strongest, being Multiverse level at their peak. The characters below them, such as Timekeeper Cookie, usually cap at around Universe level+. The verse is no slouch in speed either, as the slowest character in the verse is Hypersonic, and the rest of the cast are compared to each other at Massively FTL+ speeds.