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"This archive is mainly centered around a period of time (which is a term that doesn’t really make sense with the way time often works) in which the Abyss Walkers tried in mass to destroy creation."

Deluge of the Abyss is a web serial universe centered around the experiences of mortals alive during the first time that Abyss Walkers ever tried to destroy all of creation in mass.

The current and only story within the verse, Battle is an Art, follows the trials of Herah and Co. as they attempt to survive a series of trials crafted by their Maker, Norwe, while also entertaining him in the hopes of not having their universe destroyed.

Power of the Verse

With only a single ongoing serial as of now, this verse is surprisingly powerful. The mortals of the verse have on their own can range from building level and up to solar system level with pure destructive output. And thanks to the cosmology and a power known as Presence, these very same mortals and the top tiers can reach up to Higher Outerversal levels of power. This only stacked upon once hax comes into the equation being that there is an entire species that has Type 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8 Immortality and High-Godly Regeneration. The main cast of the current story each possesses their own powerful hax, ranging from Existence Erasure powerful enough to erase things down to the very concept and non-existent things, Reality Warping that only requires a word to get a variety of effects, passive and active Law Manipulation that neutralizes this reality warping and also only needs words to get a variety of effects, and up to Causality Manipulation that allows things to be linked together and share conditions like voodoo dolls. Not to mention the top tops of the verse, Maker's and Abyss Walkers, one powerful enough to create High Ascendental Strucutures while the other seeks to destroy them.


Deluge of the Abyss is a setting in which of all creation (existence and non-existence) is stored within something known as the Iie or Omni-Slate, which has a reflection known as the IiE or Abyss. The Abyss, as a direct contradiction to the Omni-Slate, is where creation is unmade. Both of these structures are equal in size and both serve as the very top layer of what is known as the AE, or the entirety of the Beginning and the End.

The Iie is composed of an infinite amount of endless "spaces" known as iI or Slates. These structures as previously mentioned are endless, and upon a collection of structures can sit.

These structures can be: aUs, AUs, or aEs; also known as: Universes, Timecubes, or Multiverses. Each one of these structures can and often are filled with uncountably infinite amounts of another structure.

aEs are filled with AUs.

AUs are filled with aUs.

And aUs are filled with uAs, or Realities.

Each of these structures are infinitely larger than what fills them, with aUs speficially being considered so large that no matter how many or how large the uAs added up and stacked upon one another, they’ll never be able to reach the size of an aU.

And finally we reach the last and smallest bit of all these structures: uas. Much like how aU are inaccessible for uA, uA are inaccesible for ua.

And another name for an ua is Dimension, with the more common name being universe.

And that universe is infinitely smaller than everything above it.

Check here for a more comprehensive covering of how the setting is structured and what tiers these structures would reach within our tiering system


Attack Potency




Battle is an Art

  • Herah
  • Alex
  • Max
  • Owen Vulcan
  • Norwe
  • Orange
  • String
  • Moon

