Iori Katanagi is a powerful shaman and the protagonist of Phantom Seer.
Powers and Stats
Tier: 9-B, 8-C with Ongyoki, higher while wearing Ongyoki
Name: Iori Katanagi
Origin: Phantom Seer
Gender Male
Age: Unknown
Classification: Nabari, Shaman, Student
Dimensionality: 3-D
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Spiritual Awareness (Can see invisible beings), Summoning (Can summon Ongyoki and other phantoms), Shadow Manipulation, Weapon Creation (With Shadow Projection, Iori can create Dark Sword of Dread), Regeneration (Mid-Low), Paralysis Inducement (With Shadow Step), Limited Nonexistent Physiology (Type 1; Iori can suppress his own shadow to remove his existence), Power Absorption (With Shadow Projection, Iori can create a doppelganger of any Phantom he's absorbed), Sealing (Shamans can seal phantoms with dolls)
Attack Potency: Wall level (Should be at least as strong as Tsumuji, who did this), Building level with Ongyoki (Fought on par with Senjudoji, did this), higher while wearing Ongyoki (Should be stronger than before)
Speed: Subsonic (Blitzed Senjudoji, should be at least as fast as Tsumuji, who blitzed a phantom)
Lifting Strength: Unknown
Durability: Wall level
Stamina: High
Range: Extended Melee Range with Dark Sword of Dread, Tens of meters with Ongyoki and while wearing Ongyoki
Standard Equipment: None notable
Intelligence: Average
Weaknesses: None notable
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: