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You want my services? Heh heh. I'd be happy to, but we aren't cheap, Sensei.


Gehenna Academy's self-appointed president of Problem Solver 68, conducts all sorts of illegal business as she pleases.

While Aru considers herself to be a cool outlaw, she often falls out of character and thus any appearance disparities are easily revealed.

Powers and Stats

Keys: Base | Empowered by Sensei

Tier: 6-A | Varies from High 6-A to High 1-B, up to 1-A

Dimensionality: 3-D

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery (Students of Kivotos are naturally trained at a young age on how to expertly wield and use firearms), Damage Boost (With Critical Hits), Durability Negation (Through her Defense Penetration stat, which allows them to completely bypass and ignore the enemy's Defense stat), Martial Arts, Acrobatics, Explosion Manipulation (With Hard Boiled Shot and Noir Shoot+), Accelerated Development (Passive - Physical Stats and Abilities; With President's Dignity+, Gorgeous President's Elegance+, and Dress Up+), Statistics Amplification (With Hard Boiled Hanetsuki Shot, Fascinating Proposal, and Outlaw Style), Statistics Reduction (With Favorable Trade), Probability Manipulation (With Outlaw Style and Favorable Trade), Healing (With Meaningful Transaction), Non-Physical Interaction (Their shots can harm the likes of Perorodzilla and Rumor Ghosts, who are the emodiements of rumors and stories manifested), Resistance to Existence Erasure, Chaos Manipulation, Dimensional Manipulation, Void Manipulation, Absorption, Space-Time Manipulation and Conceptual Manipulation (Type 4; Students are completely fine being inside the Throne of Naram-Sin, a chaotic realm where all dimensions, time, existence and non-existence are united and fused into one irrelevant concept, and yet, students don't get pulled into this unity, being able to retain their individuality), Probability Manipulation (Through her CRIT.RES stat, which prevents Critical Hits from landing), Damage Boost (Through her CRIT.DMG.RES stat, which reduces the damage of Critical Hits), Perception Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation, Status Effect Inducement, Electricity Manipulation & Magnetism Manipulation, Fear Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Paralysis Inducement, Power Nullification (Through her CC Resist, which gives her resistance to Crow Control moves) | As before, Blessed and Wish Granting (Being empowered by Sensei, the students gains his support and powers of a protagonist in the story, granting them the following: Fate Manipulation, Logic Manipulation, Truth Manipulation, Probability Manipulation, Plot Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 4; Sensei has the ability to create miracles which can even affect The Chroma and is feared by their followers, and defy the distorted and twisted fate of Kivotos. Sensei is the protagonist of the story and the one who holds it together, keeping the narrative and its truth/logic into a common and understandable axiom of reality where he stands invincible as the protagonist of said plot, one that requires his existence for context and probability, as well as reasoning and meaning, in a stable check)

Attack Potency: Continent level (Comparable to the likes of Ichinose Asuna who together with C&C was able to hold back the forces of a singular False Sanctum) | Varies from Multi-Continent level (With Sensei's help, students are able to fight the likes of Saintess Barbara, who was stated to be ten times stronger than the common enemy. Can aid Kaiten FX Mk. Infinity in the defeat of Chroma Empowered Perorodzilla, who had the combined power of the six False Sanctums, plus its own) to High Hyperverse level+ (Can defeat Set of Fury, a transcendent being that originates from The Celestial Pantheon), up to Ascendent level (Can defeat Shiroko Terror, and aid in the battle against Phrenapates, who held the power of The Chroma)

Speed: Supersonic (Comparable to Joumae Saori, who outran a bullet) with Hypersonic, likely Relativistic+ combat and reaction speed (Comparable to Kasumizawa Miyu, who could evade the shot of a bullet. Students are able to evade against the likes of Tendou Aris' Sword of Light: Supernova light lasers) | At least Hypersonic, likely Relativistic+ (Can fight opponents who previously blitzed them), up to Irrelevant (Able to evade Set of Fury attacks. Can keep up with Shiroko Terror, can also freely move and fight in the Throne of Naram-Sin)

Lifting Strength: Class 25 (Comparable to Mikamo Neru, who can generate this much force with her jumps) | Varies from Class K (able to fight the likes of Saintess Barbara, who was stated to be ten times stronger than the common enemy), up to Irrelevant (Can rival the likes of Shiroko Terror)

Durability: Continet level | Varies from Multi-Continent level to High Hyperverse level+, up to Ascendent level

Stamina: Comparable to the likes of Joumae Saori, who can be on the run for eighty hours straight with no time to rest or sleep.

Range: Standard melee, 1,000 meters with Wine-red Admire.

Standard Equipment:

Weapon Icon Aru
  • The Wine-red Admire is Aru's main weapon of choice, it is a three-tone PSG-1 sniper rifle with a gold handguard, pistol grip, and stock. It has a black cheek rest and barrel. The rest of the receiver and most of the Hensoldt ZF riflescope is painted in maroon. Some short maroon belts wrap parts of the handguard. A gold rose decal can be seen on both sides of the receiver. When evolved, gives Aru acess to President's Dignity+, Gorgeous President's Elegance+, and Dress Up+.

Gear Icon 10000
  • Aru's Treasured Wallet is a luxury wallet that Aru loves made of high quality materials, but it has faded and scratched here and there due to long use. Haruka, Kayoko, and Mutsuki pooled money together and presented this wallet as a gift to commemorate the beginnings of Problem Solver 68, which makes it an irreplaceable treasured posession for Aru. Gives Aru access to Noir Shoot+
Hat T9 Icon
Hairpin T9 Icon
Watch T9 Icon
Necklace T9 Icon
  • Aru's gear consists of the Sailor Hat, Anchor Hairpin, Diver's Watch, and Octopus Holder.
    • The Sailor Hat boosts Aru's attack by 48% and adds 2,000 points to Critical Damage.
    • The Anchor Hairpin boosts Aru's max HP by 11,000 points, Crowd Control Resistance by 34%, and Critical Rate by 150 points.
    • The Diver's Watch adds 440 points to Aru's Critical Rate, 2,500 points to Critical Damage, and raises max HP by 13%.
    • The Octopus Holder boosts Aru's Healing by 40%, Crowd Control Power by 38%, and Attack by 14%.

Intelligence: As a student of Kivotos, she has received standard and advanced training into multiple areas of combat, be it close-quarters, weapon manuever, strategy, enviromental prowess, adaptation, and more.


Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Hard Boiled Shot deals 521% damage to one enemy. Deals an additional 554% damage to enemies in circular area around the targeted enemy.
  • Hard Boiled Hanetsuki Shot restores 0.7 Skill Cost for each "Bad deed" that Aru currently holds and deals 340% damage against one enemy. For surrounding enemies that have not been hit, deal a further 340% damage
  • Fascinating Proposal increases Critical Damage by 83.4% of one other ally.

  • Noir Shoot deal 290% damage to one enemy and has a 50% chance to deal an additional 476% damage to enemies in a circular area around the targeted enemy
    • Noir Shoot+ deal 296% damage to one enemy and deals an additional 487% damage to enemies in a circular area around the targeted enemy.
  • Noir Hanetsuki Shot deals 321% damage to enemies in a circular area.
  • Meaningful Transaction heals one other ally with the lowest HP for 151% of Healing.

  • President's Dignity increases Critical Damage by 26.6%.
    • President's Dignity+ further increases Critical Damage by 26.6% and 3,800 points.
  • Dress Up increases Attack by 26.6%.
    • Dress Up+ further increases Attack by 26.6% and 593 points.
  • Gorgeous President's Elegance increases Max HP by 26.6%.
    • Gorgeous President's Elegance+ further increases Max HP by 26.6% and Attack Speed by 2,660 points.

  • Outlaw Style increases Critical Rate of EX skill by 38.3%.
  • Perfect President's Style makes so every 6 enemies defeated by allies, Aru obtains one "Bad deed". Can hold up to 6 "Bad deeds".
  • Favorable Trade makes so normal attacks have a 30% chance to reduce Critical Resistance of the target by 15.3%


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
