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Setsuna Tokage (取と蔭かげ切せつ奈な Tokage Setsuna), also known as Lizardy (リザーディ Rizādi), is one of the minor characters in the anime and manga series My Hero Academia.

She is also a student in Class 1-B at U.A. High School, where she got in through recommendations, and is training there to become a Pro-Hero.

Powers and Stats

Tier: High 8-C

Dimensionality: 3-D

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Body Control (Setsuna's Quirk called "Lizard Tail Splitter" allows her to split up her body into as many as 50 pieces), Regeneration (Low-Mid. Able to regenerate her body parts that are destroyed or no longer usable), Small Size (Type 1. When her body is separated into pieces), Flight (Capable of making those pieces of her body levitate at high speeds), Limited Reactive Evolution & Accelerated Development (Quirk users have been shown to evolve or increase the strength of their Quirk when in a life or death situation)

Attack Potency: Large Building level (Her attacks were strong enough to lightly injure Bakugo during their match)

Speed: Supersonic+ reactions and flight speed (Was initially able to keep up with Bakugo, but was overwhelmed when he became more serious)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Durability: Large Building level (Able to withstand her own attacks, and her Quirk's regeneration capabilities make her difficult to kill)

Stamina: High (Comparable to other "U.A." students)

Range: Standard melee range, up to Tens of meters when her body is separated into pieces

Standard Equipment:

  • Organic Hero Costume: Setsuna's hero costume is made of her own cells, which means that it can regenerate alongside her destroyed body parts.

Intelligence: Gifted (Possesses an excellent intellect and a very impressive strategic mind)

Weaknesses: If her body parts stay apart for too long then they will stop moving. If she regenerates her body parts too many times, or if she uses her regeneration too many times, this will significantly exhaust her. Due to her great reliance on details and organization, she is unable to adapt or change her plans when they fail. She can be quite overconfident about her plans and was also stated that she can be really "nasty".

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Lizard Tail Splitter: Setsuna's Quirk allows her to split her body into up to 50 pieces, each of which she can remotely make move freely and levitate through the air at high speeds. These pieces of her body can also regenerate if destroyed or unusable.

Setsuna Tokage. Lizardy. Lizard Tail Splitter Quirk. Anime

Super Moves: None notable


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
