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Illegal use of abilities during rush hour, as well as robbery and assault ? You're pure evil.
~ Shinji Nishiya


Shinji Nishiya (西にし屋や森しん児じ Nishiya Shinji), also known by his hero name, Kamui Woods (シンリンカムイ Shinrin Kamui), is one of the minor characters in the anime and manga series My Hero Academia.

He is also a Pro-Hero, the current No. 7 Pro-Hero in all of Japan, and a member of "The Lurkers".

Powers and Stats

Tier: Unknown physically, High 8-C with Arbor Quirk

Dimensionality: 3-D

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Acrobatics, Plant Manipulation (Shinji's Quirk called "Arbor" gives him the ability to enlarge and control his wooden body parts into strong tree branches), Body Control (Via his Quirk), Limited Reactive Evolution & Accelerated Development (Quirk users have been shown to evolve or increase the strength of their Quirk when in a life or death situation)

Attack Potency: Unknown physically, Large Building level+ via "Arbor" Quirk (Restrained several members of the "League of Villains" at once, including Magne, with ease)

Speed: Hypersonic+ reactions and combat speed (Launched an attack that pinned down several members of the "League of Villains", including Dabi, before they could react)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Durability: Large Building level+ (Able to withstand the force of his own attacks), At least Multi-City Block level against fire attacks (Survived a fire attack from Dabi, albeit with serious injuries, and was temporarily rendered unconscious by it)

Stamina: Very High (Able to aid Mt. Lady in holding off Gigantomachia, despite being previously injured by Dabi's flames)

Range: Standard melee range physically, up to Tens of meters via "Arbor" Quirk

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Above Average (A fully experienced Pro-Hero, with great skill in using his Quirk)

Weaknesses: Due to his Quirk being based on wood, he is incredibly vulnerable to fire attacks.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Arbor: Shinji's Quirk allows him to enlarge and control his wooden body parts into strong tree branches.

Arbor Quirk. Anime

Super Moves:

  • Lacquered Chain Prison: Shinji shoots out the wood from one of his arms and surrounds the enemy with it to immobilize them.

Kamui Woods. Lacquered Chain Prison. Anime


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
