Starlight Glimmer was the main antagonist of Season 5 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and later one of the show's main protagonists. She was under the belief that life would be better if no pony had differences or different cutie marks and that way, nobody would feel pain or misery due to being perceived as lesser. During the finale of Season 6, Starlight saves the rest of the main cast from Queen Chrysalis, helping to free and reform the other Changelings.
Powers and Stats
Keys: Pony World | Human World
Tier: 4-B | 9-B
Dimensionality: 3-D
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Telekinesis, Aura (All unicorns naturally have this), Magic, Resistance Negation, Life Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Essence Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation, and Conceptual Manipulation (Type 5. Magic corresponds to and affects one's lifeforce, directly compared to and on a certain degree affects the love and emotions of a being, their physical strength, physiologies, and is a direct extension of their concept as depicted with Discord who's magic is directly tied into his concept, where he embodies the concept of chaos, yet his magic can be affected by simple attacks) Teleportation and BFR (Type 1. She can teleport herself and teleport other ponies. She can BFR people into the past), Social Influencing (Seen here), Flight (Through the use of magic, she can float into the air, something she can use to dodge attacks with), Energy Projection (Seen here, can fire beams that banish people), Power Nullification and Statistics Reduction (Can remove cutie marks, weakening the opponent), Time Travel (Can travel through time), Immobilization (Can immobilize her opponent in a crystal, or suspend them mid-air. She can use the former to create a shield around herself), Forcefield Creation and Attack Reflection (Seen here. Can create a forcefield that blocks out sounds and stops attacks), Matter Manipulation (Seen here. Turned the ingredients of a cake into one. Can create books from their previous matter. Turned the Throne Room into her and Starburst's childhood home), Statistics Amplification (Seen here), Body Puppetry (Can force others to talk far more), Duplication (Seen here), Mind Manipulation (After combining two spells, she could mind control the Mane 6. Upon the end of the spell, the ponies are fatigued, and retain no memories over the event), Invisibility (Can turn invisible. However, her eyes can be seen, she will still smell, and most importantly, she must hold her breathe in order to not be heard), Empathic Manipulation and Non-Physical Interaction (Can interact with her emotions of anger, literally bottling them up. She can also bottle them up inside of her, though this tires her out. She can also induce them into other ponies, who will act the same way as Starlight would do if she let out said emotions), Power Modification (Can swap two ponies cutiemarks, which also swaps their powers, but Starlight is incapable of reversing it), Hair Manipulation (Created several new manes alongside Twilight), Age Manipulation (Can make other ponies younger, and even herself, a magic ability described as extremely difficult), Broadway Force (Seen here), Instinctive Reaction (Seen here), Statistics Amplification (Via 'Accelero', which amplifies speed), Resistance to Life Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Essence Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation, and Conceptual Manipulation (Magic corresponds to and affects one's lifeforce, directly compared to and on a certain degree affects the love and emotions of a being, their physical strength, physiologies, and is a direct extension of their concept as depicted with Discord who's magic is directly tied into his concept, where he embodies the concept of chaos, yet his magic can be affected by simple attacks. Characters can consistently tank the effects of magic up to being completely immune)
Attack Potency: Solar System level (Can keep up with Twilight Sparkle, and overpowered the Pony of Shadows alongside her) | Wall level (Comparable to Sunset Shimmer)
Speed: Immeasurable | Average Human
Lifting Strength: Class G physically, Stellar with Telekinesis (Should be comparable to Twilight Sparkle, who can move the sun and moon)
Durability: Solar System level | Wall level
Stamina: High
Range: Standard melee range, Interplanetary with various spells and magic, far higher with specific spells (Can travel through space and time with her best magic)
Standard Equipment: Her wand (which she used to remove Cutie Marks)
Intelligence: Supergenius (She has shown numerous times to be comparable to Twilight Sparkle, and on some occasions, even outsmarts them. This includes, most notably, her magic skill, in which Twilight herself admitted to them being her equal, and showing feats of magic that not even Twilight had done before, and far surpassed those she viewed as the best, along with describing it as a difficult spell itself)
Weaknesses: Was once blinded by her own beliefs and unable to realize the long-term consequences of any of her actions. Has since changed and now, none notable.
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: