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Low 2-C[]

Throne Worlds are universes:

Whispered lore and fragmentary theories suggest that Crota represents a distinct class of Hive entities, not resident in our material world. My latest synthesis of this scattered esoterica suggests that Crota's 'home' is a universe created or remade by his power and occupied by Hive organisms of immense age.
~ Grimoire: Crota Son of Oryx

Now I fly between green-black suns in the labyrinth beyond Crota’s god-star. This is the Overworld, the Sea of Screams, where the throne-universes of the great Hive fester in eternal majesty. I move among them. I map the shapes and connections of this world.
~ The Hellmouth


Vex can create/simulate timelines because why not. A group of scientists even compares the Vex simulations to a reality. They say that the material world could possibly be a single Vex’s simulation itself:

“SUNDARESH: The simulations have interiority? Subjectivity?

ESI: I can't know that until I look more closely. But they act like us.

SUNDARESH: We're inside it. By any reasonable philosophical standard, we are inside that Vex.

ESI: Unless you take a particularly ruthless approach to the problem of causal forks: yes. They are us.

SUNDARESH: Call a team meeting.

ESI: The other you has too.”

“SHIM: [profane] idiot. Think. Think. If it can run one simulation, maybe it can run more than one. And there will only ever be one reality. Play the odds.

DUANE-MCNIADH: Oh...uh oh.

SHIM: Odds are that we aren't our own originals. Odds are that we exist in one of the Vex simulations right now.”

~ ghost-fragment-vex

“SUNDARESH: I have a plan.

ESI: If you have a plan, then so does your sim, and the Vex knows about it.

DUANE-MCNIADH: Does it matter? If we're in Vex hell right now, there's nothing we can -

SHIM: Stop talking about 'real' and 'unreal.' All realities are programs executing laws. Subjectivity is all that matters.

SUNDARESH: We have to act as if we're in the real universe, not one simulated by the specimen. Otherwise we might as well give up.”

“No human being in the Ishtar Academy has ever crossed the safety cordon and walked the ancient stone under the Citadel, the Vex construct that stabs up out of the world to injure space and time.”

~ ghost-fragment-vex-3

But they walk together in proxy, pressed close, huddled in awe. Blue-green light, light the color of an ancient sea, washes over them. Each of their explorer bodies carries a slim computer. Inside, two hundred twenty-seven of copies of their own minds wait, patient and paused, for dispersal.

~ ghost-fragment-vex-4

Low 1-C[]

Vex can also simulate/create uncountable infinite timelines:

"In that conceptual framework, you see how the Forest, "infinite" in so many ways, is still only a small fraction of the Vex's true capabilities. Imagine the decimal two-point-one repeating. Its precise value is incalculably infinite, and yet you know that beyond its irrational depths waits two-point-two. Two-point-three. Two-point-four…"

"Maya, Chioma, Duane-McNiadh and Shim decide to have a picnic before they send themselves into infinity.

Up here they have to act by biomechanical proxy. No human being in the Ishtar Academy has ever crossed the safety cordon and walked the ancient stone under the Citadel, the Vex construct that stabs up out of the world to injure space and time. It's not safe. The cellular Vex elements are infectious, hallucinogenic, entheogenic. The informational Vex elements are more dangerous yet— and there could be semiotic hazards beyond them, aggressive ideas, Vex who exist without a substrate. Even now, operating remote bodies by neural link, the team's thoughts are relayed through the warmind who saved them, sandboxed and scrubbed for hazards. Their real bodies are safe in the Academy, protected by distance and neural firewall."

~ Kairos Function

Throne Worlds were described as possibly being similar to the Vex Network:

The nature and possible interrelationship of the Vex gate system with Hive netherworlds remains unexplored.
~ Grimoire:Crota Son of Oryx

Oryx's throne world was described as being a gate network:

They say the line of uglies comin' out of Oryx's gate network never ends. I'd like to test that.
~ Challenge the Court: Antiquated Rune

Oryx's gate network appears infinitely deep, drawing from an infinite battalion of soldiers. A day will come when we destroy it. Until then, we fight whatever emerges.
~ Challenge the Court: Reciprocal Rune

There is apparently an uncountable infinite number of Throne Worlds in the Ascendant Plane:

Oryx's gate network appears infinitely deep, drawing from an infinite battalion of soldiers. A day will come when we destroy it. Until then, we fight whatever emerges.
~ Challenge the Court: Reciprocal Rune

Numberless are the spaces that surround the universe. Subordinate and superordinate are their relationships to the intrinsic world-that-is-only-itself. We pass now through analogy space that will reify what was once subject into object. That power I held, which was agonist to a mother's rapprochement, will be realized and reified.

There are an uncountable number of ways to be between zero and two.

~ Palingenesis II

High 1-C[]

The Darkness managed to create 10-D universes.

"Ship's guess is that our orbital momentum—what we'd call a four-vector, for the dimensions of space and time—was somehow folded away into six extra dimensions."


~ Impact Velocity

High 1-B+[]

There is a Pyramidion for every Vex timeline (which we previously established that there is an uncountable infinite amount:

According to Ikora Rey and Asher Mir, the Pyramidion on Io is one of many; every Vex machine world has a Pyramidion, and these structures serve as the Vex's main machinoforming engines. It is also believed that all Pyramidions are intrinsically connected to each other and lead to the same interior space. On at least one occasion, this interior appeared markedly different than was previously recorded, suggesting that it is either capable of reconfiguring its structure or that a Pyramidion may actually lead to one of several common spaces.

Pyramidions possesses an infinite-dimensional Hilbert Space structure within them:

You should now be entering a Hilbert space, if the Taken have not misaligned the Pyramidion’s base geometric intuitions.
~ The Pyramidiion Strike

I did not sneeze, you fool. It is an infinite dimensional functional space, the Vex often- oh, why am I wasting my breath!
~ The Pyramidiion Strike

The Black Garden transcends even the power of the Vex:

Legends and scant field reports all indicate that the Divisive Vex behave religiously. Why would a hyperintelligent, time-spanning thought mesh exhibit religious behavior? The answer seems as obvious as it is chilling: if the Vex found worship and devotion more effective than any other behavior, they would adopt worship. Whatever the Vex found - or made - in the Garden, it transcends even their power.
~ Sol Divisive

The Light and the Darkness perceives the verse as a flat 2-D game.

These are the rules of a game. Let it be played upon an infinite two-dimensional grid of flowers
~ The Flower Game

This game fascinates kings. This game occupies the very emperors of thought. Though it has only four rules, and the board is a flat featureless grid, in it you will find changeless blocks, stoic as iron, and beacons and whirling pulsars, as well as gliders that soar out to infinity, and patterns that lay eggs and spawn other patterns, and living cells that replicate themselves wholly. In it, you may construct a universal computer with the power to simulate, very slowly, any other computer imaginable and thus simulate whole realities, including nested copies of the flower game itself. And the game is undecidable. No one can predict exactly how the game will play out except by playing it.
~ The Flower Game