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The Universe[]

The Universe has an infinite number of dimensions within it:

Himari: The Sanctrums can be recreated as many times as the infinite number of dimensions that exist in the universe... Is that right?

Volume F, Chapter 3, Episode 3

This is Multidimensionality, and it is stated that there in an infinite amount of Multidimensions in the Universe

Hanako: In other words, it's a chaotic space in which existence and non-existence within infinite dimensionality are mixed with every probability. However, within that space, all probable possibilities are mixed in an overlapping manner without diverging. This is why we can't intervene. It's...almost its own world where it maintains both existence and non-existence

Volume F, Chapter 3, Epsode 3

Multidimensionality goes higher with the dimensional axis, and Multidimensionalities from higher dimensional axis are Quantatively Superior to the ones below

Rio: ...It created a new axis that's not within the multidimensionality we exist within.

Rio: It's similar to trying to explain 3D to a 2D being. No matter what, They'll never understand it...

Hanako: Does that mean...calculations that surpass multidimensional analysis have always been possible...? We just...can't understand it?

Volume F

The Multiverse[]

The multiverse works under MWI

Ayane: ...Um, so because the multi-world interpretation is a hypothesis that the universe diverges for every possible probability distribution or pattern in the entire universe...

Ayane: But if it's Multidimensional analysis...

Ako: If a coin is tossed with the possibility of getting heads or tails, only one of those only one of these results will appear in this world, right?

Ako: But this theory suggests that other universes' possibilities, usually unable to manifest here, exist simuntaneously with our universe?

Momoka: Hahaha. What??

Momoka: Like a parallel universe? Like science fiction says the world diverges everytime a coin is tossed? *crunch*

Volume F

The Celestial Pantheon[]

The Celestial Pantheon is a transcendent realm where the Underground Dweller originates from

Underground Dweller: The Celestial Pantheon...? That's... That is the realm that I belonged to....catalogued within the transcendent beings... It's quite alien compared to this place... Heeheeheee... Yes. With its manifestation of transcendental godlike figures. These beings cannot be merely described as mysterious or frightening...

Final Restriction Rls. - The Fury of Set

The Underground Dweller is such an transcendental entity that it sees the world as a tabletop game

Underground Dweller: If we've been handed a new edition...then the rules have changed, heehee. I suppose it's session zero of a new campaign. I s-s-see... Heeheehee. Then it's a whole new story. I wonder what lessons I'll learn from th-th-this edition

volume 1, Chapter 3, Episode 1

Underground Dweller: The new Codex is called... Academy City...? and it's a Sensei, too...? Wh-What the... Isn't that difficulty too h-h-high...? Something like this...

volume 1, Chapter 3, Episode 1

Francis: Do not underestimate the teacher, Underground Dweller. Interpret this how you will. But just because you pretend it's a tabletop game, it doesn't mean you're the winning player.

volume 1, Chapter 3, Episode 1

The Chroma[]

The Chroma is an entity that exists beyond the universe and outside of Kivotos entirely

Beatrice: By extracting the mystery of her royal blood and borrowing a power which arrives here from outside of Kivotos, I am elevating my own existence to greater heights.

Volume 3, Chapter 4, Episode 22

The Chroma is also stated to be a "higher existence" than the universe, one that can be reached and accessed through a ritual with royal blood, and nothing else

Beatrice: It is the duty of an adult to bring salvation to all. And that is accomplished by ascending to a higher existence.

Beatrice: And that is exactly why I have prepared this ritual. By utilizing a power foreign to Kivotos, I shall ascend to a higher existence.

Volume 3, Chapter 4, Episode 22

Addiotionally, The Chroma is hinted as an omnipotent and omniscient entity, whose power cannot be comprehended or understood

Beatrice: We are each using this world to pursue our individual aspirations. You are no different. You can become anything, and know everything.

Volume 3, Chapter 4, Episode 22

Exposure to It has turned your mystery into fear, and the principle behind it has begun to control you. We wonder... what you will become now. We know nothing, either. For we are just as ignorant of it. An ominous light, uninterpreted, uncomprehended, uncommunicated, simply arriving. An inscrutable idea with no purpose, no communication... The greatest enemy of our Gematria... We call it The Chroma.

Volume 3, Chapter 4, Episode 17

The Chroma is an entity capable of bringing an end to all dimensions

Nameless Priest D: The Chroma has made your fear manifest. Now cast it upon this world.

Nameless Priest E: Until you do, you will not know rest nor death.

Nameless Priest F: Become the Guide of Chroma. Bring an end to all that exists!

Nameless Priest G: Do not stop until all Frogotten Gods of all times and all dimensions cease to exist!

The Throne of Naram-Sin, a mere exstension of The Chroma, is a realm where dimensions, time, existence and nonexistence are one in the same where all of them are turned into one unified irrelevant concept

A.R.O.N.A: Answer. Because this is inside the Ark of Atrahasis, where the quantum superposition is maintained. In particular, the Throne of Naram-Sin is a chaotic realm where dimensions, time, existence, and non-existence are mixed together without ever settling.

Volume F, Chapter 4, Episode 1

Shiroko: So I kidnap you and locked you in this ark, where existence and non-existence are one in the same.

Volume F, Chapter 4, Episode 1


  • The Universe: High 1-B+
  • The Multiverse: High 1-B+
  • The Celestial Pantheon: High 1-B+ (Uncountably infinite layers)
  • The Chroma: 1-A