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Me? Ah right, I'm... Number XII of the Longinus Dreizen Orden's Obsidian Round Table. Battalion Commander Wolfgang Schreiber, Hróðvitnir. I ride faster than all creation, and was the first to swear fealty to Lord Heydrich as his loyal Albedo. I am the First Fang of the Beast!
~ Schreiber


Wolfgang Schreiber, also known as Einherjar Albedo and Hróðvitnir, is an antagonist of Dies Irae. He is one of the Three Commanders of the Longinus Dreizen Orden and a member of Reinhard Heydrich's Legion.

Beginning as a mere street prostitute and serial killer in the streets of Berlin around the era World War II began, Schreiber would go on to become part of the Three Knights, the first members of the Round Table that would be granted the honor of becoming Einherjar in service to Reinhard Heydrich, as the upper echelons of the Longinus Thirteen and essential pieces in completing the plans of the Golden Beast.

Powers and Stats

Key: Restricted | Unrestricted | Legion Reincarnation

Tier: 7-A | At least 5-A, likely higher | 1-A

Dimensionality: 3-D | 3-D | Inapplicable

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Martial Arts, Weapon Mastery, Weapon Creation, Immortality (Types 1, 3, 5 and 8. Einherjar are immortal, the concept of death doesn't exist for them, and will fight for all eternity as long as Reinhard Heydrich exists), Regeneration (Low-Godly. Ewigkeit users can reform their bodies from their disimbodied souls and can regenerate from any damage as long as their soul is intact), Intangibility & Non-Corporeal (Can exist in a spiritual state), Self-Sustenance (Types 1, 2 and 3), Extrasensory Perception (Ewigkeit users are capable of seeing and comprehending what is normally invisible to the human eye), Enhanced Senses (His senses are beyond those of normal humans), Non-Physical Interaction & Soul Manipulation (Ewigkeit users can absorb and devour souls, as well as destroy them with mere conventional attacks), Empowerment (Ewigkeit users becomes stronger as they eat souls), Law Manipulation (Briah users imposes their law into reality which can also overwrite the laws of Mercurius's world to an extent), Reality Warping (Ewigkeit users forces their deepest desires into reality through their Briah), Durability Negation (His attacks affects the body and soul), Regeneration Negation (Low-Godly. Ahnenerbe carries a poison that negates the regeneration of the soul), Pseudo-Flight (Can perform air jumps), Instinctive Reaction (Can instinctively dodge attacks), Surface Scaling (Can walk through walls), Shockwave Generation (His mere movements causes shockwaves that destroys his surroundings), Fear Manipulation (A single look at him can induce chills and his presence alone is capable of causing terror), Vehicular Mastery, Statistics Amplification (Lyngvi Vánagandr greatly amplifies his speed), Physics Manipulation (Can move in a way that ignores the law of inertia), Reactive Power Level (Schreiber's briah allows him to always be faster than the opponent, regardless of the circumstances), Distance Manipulation (Schreiber's briah allows him to be "faster" than others even while standing still), Overwhelming Aura (Can induce a tremendous spiritual pressure upon others), Resistance to Magic, Mind Manipulation, Fear Manipulation, Madness Manipulation, Soul Manipulation (On a scale of hundreds of thousands of souls), Biological Manipulation, Poison Manipulation (Apostles are naturally resistant to drugs and poison), Power Nullification (Ahnenerbe users can't be nullified), Disease Manipulation, Time Manipulation (His Briah allows him to accelerate even against Ren's time slow), Absorption & Statistics Reduction (Unnafected by Wilhelm's briah effects)

All previous abilities on an unimaginably higher level, in addition to all the abilities and weaknesses of a Hadō God such as Superhuman Physical Characteristics (Are literal Gods that possess physical strength unimaginably greater than that of a human), Spiritual Aura (Overwhelming; The density of their soul is powerful enough to make a weaker Hadō God die, and destroy all of creation from their mere presence, which why the Throne is needed to contain it), Soul Manipulation (Any God can affect the soul, be it destroying or outright absorbing it, even from another god), Conceptual Manipulation (Type 3; With Taiji, Gods become the origin from which all phenomenon and concepts come from, and there are infinite concepts), Regeneration (At least Low-Godly, likely High-Godly; Gods possess regenerative capabilities that are significantly superior with that of the L.D.O. at the very least, considering Mercurius is the one who gave them said regeneration in the first place; And although it is never stated, it is likely that Gods possess regenerative capabilities that match the restoration powers of Gladsheimr, which can bring people back even from Machina's erasure, it is also likely that Machina was able to land one of his punches on Mercurius or Reinhard, and they didn't die, in the Three Colors Fight before being taken down himself - since much of that fight is done off-screen), Non-Corporeal and Abstract Existence (A God embodies their own Law), Cosmic Awareness (A user of Taikyoku knows everything that has or will happen inside their own Law, as it is no different than being part of their being, Large Size (Type 11; [ A God embodies their own Law, which for Gudō Gods exists outside of the world's laws and concepts and outside the boundaries of providence, while for Hadō, they paint over the cosmos in their law possessing a similar, yet different nature to a Gudō, but they all still share the same level of existence), Beyond-Dimensional Existence (A God with Taikyoku is the source of and beyond all concepts and phenomenon which includes dimensions, physics, space-time, etc; As a God with colored Taikyoku, they are incomprehensibly transcendent to those who do not reach the same level as them, akin to an artist drawing a picture upon a canvas. Even such things like the Singularity (which only as Gods are they capable of painting it, and the rest of creation, in their color), which is an infinite expanse of colorless Taikyoku, or hole in the canvas of creation, that exists as a tunnel to the Throne and comprises every layer of creation from the lowest floor being the multiverse, to the highest being right before the Throne itself. The Singularity is under the possession of the Supreme Law/Throne God and is both that infinite and endless, and one reaches the "bottom" of it, it merely opens another greater hole that is deeper than the last ad infinitum, and beyond it all exists the Throne, and Gods exist beyond even that as shown by the meaninglessness of its destruction and by it being affected by numerous' Gods' laws), Immortality (Type 1; All gods are eternal, Type 3; All gods can regenerate as shown when Ren created a moment frozen in time, Mercurius went from missing half his body to having his whole body restored and has the potential to emanate in Marie's law, Types 5 - Gudō Gods like Marie have shown to exist outside of the world's laws and concepts, described as unchanging and everlasting, existing and yet not existing, outside the boundaries of providence. Hadō Gods possess a similar, yet different nature in which one's law turns outward instead of inward affecting all of creation instead of just their person, although they are stated to exist on the same level of existence), Transduality (At least Type 2; Gudō Gods like Marie are shown to exist outside of the world's laws and concepts and do not obey them. They are described as both dead and alive, but yet also described as life beyond death, they exist within and embody a world that is described as unchanging and everlasting, existing and yet not existing, outside the boundaries of providence, they are walking contradictions, they represent a dichotomy, yet they don't as well. Hadō Gods possess a similar, yet different nature in which one's law turns outward instead of inward affecting all of creation instead of just their person, although they are stated to exist on the same level of existence), Acausality (Type 5; Gudō Gods like Marie have shown to exist outside of the world's laws and concepts, exists and embodies a world that is perpetually frozen in space and time, described as unchanging and everlasting, existing and yet not existing, outside the boundaries of providence. Hadō Gods possess a similar, yet different nature in which one's law turns outward instead of inward affecting all of creation instead of just their person, although they are stated to exist on the same level of existence), Information Manipulation (Hadō Gods paint over the infinite colorless information of the Singularity with their Law), Omniscience, Nigh-Omniscient in Amantes Amentes (As a Hadō God, they expand to consume all of Creation, and as a user of Taikyoku, they knows everything that has or will happen inside their own Law, as it is no different than being part of their being; When apart of Marie's Law (Amantes Amentes), multiple Hadō God's exist simultaneously, and thus, only embody and know that which is in their domain), Law Manipulation, Space-Time Manipulation, and Reality Warping (A Hadō God that emanates will impose their own Law on the world and also passively warp existing laws; the flood of their Law will cause reality to warp and be shaped according to their desires, affecting all of the cosmos, including things like space and time), Omnipresence (A Hadō God is the origin and embodies their law, which emanates over all of creation, and paints the blank slate of the cosmos in their color), Summoning (Hadō Gods can summon the Physical Manifestation of their Law), Power Bestowal (A Hadō God can grant any soul under their Law pseudo Godhood status and protection through Legion Reincarnation), Avatar Creation (Hadō Gods can create avatars called a Sensory, as shown with Mercurius, whose true self lives at the center of the Throne, while his shade is referred to as only a "reflection of the moon on a lake's surface"), and likely Telepathy (All Hadō Gods likely have the same ability as Mercurius, who spoke to Shirou in his mind)

Attack Potency: Mountain level (He is the strongest LDO member aside from Reinhard, which puts him above the likes of Machina and Eleonore. Destroyed Berlin with a kick. Much stronger than Wilhelm and Cain who can shatter mountains) | At least Large Planet level, likely higher (Stronger than a boosted Wilhelm, who could destroy Methuselah's Jaws of Darkness, which have a density of a hundred nights, with each night being equivalent to half of the planet) | Ascendent level (He is boosted to the same level of existence of Reinhard Heydrich)

Speed: FTL+ (Comparable to Machina, who could keep up with Ren's Ein Faust Overture), higher with Lyngvi Vánagandr (Faster than Ren when the latter was using his Briah), Varies with Nilfheimr Fenriswolf (Schreiber's Briah allows him to always be faster than his opponent, regardless of the circumstances) | FTL+, higher with Lyngvi Vánagandr, Varies with Nilfheimr Fenriswolf | Irrelevant

Lifting Strength: At least Class 10 (Superior to Wilhelm) | At least Class 10 | Irrelevant

Durability: Mountain level | At least Large Planet level, likely higher | Ascendent level

Stamina: Limitless (Einherjar have a limitless supply of souls from Gladsheimr)

Range: Hundreds of Kilometers (Destroyed all of Berlin with a single attack) | Hundreds of Kilometers | Ascendental

Standard Equipment: Lyngvi Vánagandr (A WW2 Zundapp KS750 motorcycle). A Luger P08 and a Mauser C96 pair, which possess countless amounts of bullets for him to use.

Intelligence: Genius (Capable of instantly sniffing out his opponent's weakness in the midst of the battle, as well as making instant actions. He always has the right answers when it comes to battle, preventing his enemies to even fight properly. His instincts allows him to choose the best and most efficient way to kill his preys)

Weaknesses: He is completely insane and possesses a split-personality disorder. Abilities that can completely halt him in place (such as time stop) can nullify his Briah.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Wolfgang's Holy Relic
Me? Ah right, I'm... Number XII of the Longinus Dreizen Orden's Obsidian Round Table. Battalion Commander Wolfgang Schreiber, Hróðvitnir. I ride faster than all creation, and was the first to swear fealty to Lord Heydrich as his loyal Albedo. I am the First Fang of the Beast!
~ Schreiber

Lyngvi Vánagandr: Wolfgang's Ahnenerbe, Fusion Type. A WW2 Zundapp KS750 motorcycle that is unusual in comparison to most other Ahnenerbe. Its main purpose is to increase Schreiber's already fast speed, raising it to a level that makes his previous speed in Assiah incomparable as well as being used as a simple, yet effective battering ram of a weapon. Even just a mere activation of this relic allows Wolfgang to rapidly increase his acceleration in an instant, easily dodging Kei and Ren's duo attack even after the latter had already used his Briah to surpass his speed.

Wolfgang's Briah
Ah, I plead with you. O' reaper of souls, leave me be!

Go far and touch me not, for I'm still young and warm with life's breath! Fear me not and take my hand, fair and beautiful one! I am your friend and came with no intention to harm you. Ah, there is nary a need to be afraid and startled, for no one shall hurt you. May you rest in my embrace, O' beloved one, and enjoy everlasting repose! Briah: Niflheimr Fenriswolf!

~ Schreiber enacting his Briah

Niflheimr Fenriswolf: Schreiber's Gudou-type Briah, derived from his desire “I do not want to be touched by anyone”. Born from the Craving to be the fastest among everyone while avoiding the touch of another being, this gives Wolfgang the effect of always moving faster than his opponent. Whether if they are as fast as or faster than light, drain him of his energy, or attempt to alter the flow of time to slow him down or speed themselves up, Schreiber's own speed will be adjusted to always have him be one step ahead of his enemies. It is also very difficult to interrupt its activation, as space itself will keep on increasing between him and his opponent, making himself "faster" than them even while just standing in place.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
